Entering the Higg FEM-tool on the Worldly platform takes you to the FEM dashboard, this is the FEM mainpage. In the black horizontal ribbon, you can navigate between the FEM dashboard, Modules and Benchmarking.
- From the FEM dashboard, there are multiple options available to you, explained below.
- Modules: go here to share your posted FEM-module with other Worldly-users, or view or accept any received FEM-modules.
- Benchmarking: go here to compare your score to peers. Only available after the April 30th deadline.
In the white ribbon just below, you can navigate between your different modules: switch between FEM2023 and FEM2022 by clicking on the year. Click on Overview or Assessment to navigate between the FEM questionnaire and dashboard overview.
Once the Self Assessment is posted, the tab "Scores" becomes available with 3 subtabs: “Verification” and “Scores”. If you click the Scores tab, three more page options will unfold: Scores, GHG emissions, and Areas of Opportunity report.
Once Verification is Completed, the tab "Verification" becomes available with 2 subtabs: Verification Notification and Flagged Questions.
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