MSI Scores and LCIA results shown at the process level represent the impacts of producing 1 kg of that raw material, while the results shown at the material level show the impacts of producing 1 kg of finished material taking into account the process loss rates. After the loss rates and transportation impacts have been applied, the process results specific to that material are shown for the relevant stage. This is why the “per kilogram” process impacts are not equivalent to the “per kilogram” material impacts for each production stage.
Process Loss Rates are the amount of the intermediate input from the previous Production Stage that is lost or consumed as part of the process (mass/mass basis). A loss rate of 20% indicates that for every 1kg of input, there is only 0.8kg of output. Alternately, this means that an output of 1kg from that process requires 1.25kg of input. Process Loss Rates are fixed for a process (non-customizable by the user) and were determined using values from secondary data sources, expert guidance, and industry methodology such as Textile Exchange’s Fiber Conversion Methodology.