All data entered into the Higg MSI is reviewed by the MSI Gatekeeper and Data Manager. Acceptance criteria includes:
- The data was correctly entered into the online platform
- Explanations of material production are clear and relevant production processes are accounted for
- The scope of the data is consistent with the defined boundary conditions
- Sources, vintage of the data (timeframe represented), source types, and methods for data collection are documented
- Methods used for data collection and decision-making are scientifically and technically valid Assumptions and limitations are identified and plausible
- All calculations are correct
- All data are verifiable and reproducible
- The data submission is approved by the MSI Gatekeeper
- The processes are organized into the life cycle stages in the Higg Product Tool taxonomy
- The overall data quality is at a minimum “fair” or higher quality rated
If an LCIA Submission, data and midpoints must have been previously reviewed by an independent external expert. This expert must not be or have been employed in a full-time or part-time role by submitting organization or the practitioner of the study. This person also must not have been involved in defining the scope or conducting the LCIA. A review report must be submitted along with the results.
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