Worldly or Cascale do not offer verification of the material or product assessments made in the MSI and PM. If you would like to verify your results, you can work with a third-party consultancy firm to verify the data entries that you made and accompanying results. Please keep in mind that if you work with a third party, that they will need to access the platform and your data through their own Worldly account in order to comply with our Terms of Use.
When making any type of claim, or when communicating about Higg Index data, it is important to adhere to the Higg Index Communication Guidelines. Secondly, what is important is to review legislation from national authorities about making consumer-facing sustainability claims in the markets where you are selling your products. Adhering to the Higg Index Communication Guidelines is solely intended for complying to our Terms of Use and is not intended for ensuring compliance with regulation.
The Communication Guidelines currently do not have any guidance on communicating a verified claim. Meanwhile, we are working to update our Guidelines, we recommend you to 1. make sure the claim that you make is in line with what is allowed in the country/jurisdiction of where the products are marketed, and 2. keep all documentation used for the verification in case you might need this in the future.
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