Answer Yes if: Your facility engages with one (1) or more upstream suppliers to improve environmental performance using the Higg Index or other related environmental assessment scheme (e.g., ISO14001, Amfori BEPI, etc.) and can demonstrate that improvements have been made in upstream supplier environmental performance.
Answer Partial Yes if: Your facility engages with one (1) or more upstream suppliers using the Higg Index or other related environmental assessment scheme (e.g., ISO14001, Amfori BEPI, etc.) and has procedures to monitor and track performance, but cannot demonstrate that improvements have been made in upstream supplier environmental performance.
Note: If the engagement only requires upstream suppliers to complete an assessment, but there is no follow-up monitoring or reporting of improvements required, you should answer No to this question. (e.g., if the upstream supplier is only required to share their Higg FEM module and your facility does not follow up to provide support or require and track improvements).