The Higg Index tools, available on Worldly, can help your business collect value chain data to disclose impacts for ESG reporting.
- As a brand, use the Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) and Facility Social and Labor Module (FSLM) to establish the supply chain engagement infrastructure that’s necessary to identify, monitor, and remediate actual and potential harms — as well as to collect the primary manufacturing data needed to demonstrate progress towards targets;
- As a facility, use the Facility Environmental Module (FEM) to quantify your environmental impacts and map your practices to mitigate risks and reduce impacts. Use the Facility Social and Labor Module (FSLM) to track your Social impacts and policies and practices implemented to enhance workers’ well-being.
- Whether you are a facility or brand, you can use the Higg MSI (Materials Sustainability Index) and Higg PM (Product Module) to measure the footprint of your products and analyze where the environmental hotspots are across your product’s lifecycle.
- Lastly, the Higg Brand and Retail Module (BRM) offers sector-specific content guidance to support companies in their disclosures and can be used as a checklist for readiness for regulations like CSRD.
In summary, Worldly helps you collect the data that you need as input for determining relevant sustainability topics; setting goals and targets for impact improvement; and reporting on your progress across the Environmental and Social areas of ESG.
Worldly platform capabilities are not designed for the report-writing itself, or as a compliance-assurance tool for specific regulations.