The Worldly benchmarking tool for the Higg FSLM allows users to compare their FSLM performance with all the industry data in the Worldly platform and gain deep insight into how their social and labor practices rank against the rest of the industry. It helps users measure their performance compared to industry averages and highlights areas of focus and improvement for facilities. Granular and filterable data will inform the facilities, manufacturing groups, and brands of areas of improvement and industry leadership so that they can make informed decisions on their pathway to becoming a leader in social and labor practices.
Same as the benchmarking tool for the Higg FEM, facilities, brands/retailers or large manufacturers will use this tool. Facility users can use it to compare their own posted FSLM with the industry average FSLM performance. Brands/retailers/large manufacturers can use it to compare all received shared and posted FSLMs with the industry average FSLM performance. However, they can’t compare a single shared and posted FSLM to all received shared and posted FSLMs in this tool.
Please note that the FSLM benchmarking tool is available for the SLCP CAF 1.4 and CAF 1.5 data benchmarking.
Click the FSLM tab and then select ‘Benchmarking’ to get into the benchmarking page.
Same as the FEM, the left side filter bar can set up the comparison conditions. The filters and information are from the Facility Profile section in the FSLM. By using the filters, users will be able to view the Industry Benchmarking and Impact charts.
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