No They are not expected to do toxicity assessments on their own - refer to guidance in Chemical Section Q27 - Does your facility collaborate with brands and/or chemical suppliers to select chemicals for alternative assessment? (Ref Id: chemcollabalternatives)
Answer Yes If: Your facility has collaborated with brands and/or chemical suppliers to nominate and assess chemicals used in the manufacturing process for alternatives assessment and has established the following:
• A list of prioritized chemicals used in production processes and proposed alternatives was developed through a transparent, science-based approach that evaluates chemicals and/or chemical products.
• A documented process for collaboration with brands or chemical suppliers regarding chemical alternatives, and substances of concern.
This assessment must cover chemicals/substances that are not already restricted through regulation.
If your facility does not actively participate in identifying and assessing chemicals/substances of concern and/or alternative chemicals, you should answer No to this question.
The How to Higg Guide has more details on this topic that the facility can refer to.
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