Energy, Water, Wastewater, Air, and Chemicals have applicability tests:
Energy and GHG have 1 applicability, based on separating energy use by facility type
Water has 5 applicability-related questions, and 2 categories: heavy/high-risk water users and light/low-risk water users.
Wastewater has 6 applicability-related questions, leading to 9 categories with various combinations of onsite/offsite treatment, disposal, and domestic/industrial wastewater generation.
Air has 3 applicability questions that lead to 7 categories: no emissions to air, production emissions only, operation emissions only, and both operations and production emissions, considering refrigerant emissions as well.
Chemical Management has 5 categories: use chemicals in production processes (e.g., leather tanning), use chemicals in facility operations, use chemicals in Tooling and equipment only, use spot cleaner chemicals only, and facilities that have minimal chemical use onsite.
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