Ovens used for specific processes should be reported under Process Emissions, and not under Operation Equipment, Generators and Steam Boilers are examples of Operations Equipment.
For more clarification:
Emission from Facility Operations: for the Higg FEM, these include emissions from sources that support facility operations and are not the direct result of production processes.
Emissions from facility operations are typically emitted through point source or mobile emissions sources. Examples include boilers, generators, heating and cooling systems (e.g., combustion heating, refrigerant-containing cooling equipment), and combustion engines.
Emissions from Production: for the Higg FEM, these include emissions from sources that are related to production processes.
Emissions from production are typically emitted through point sources or as fugitive emissions. Examples include production processes that use chemicals (e.g., solvents, adhesives, printing, dyeing) processes that emit dust/particulates, products of combustion, or other hazardous or toxic air pollutants.