What is a Custom Assessment?
A custom assessment is a brand proprietary assessment questionnaire that is completed by a facility and/or auditor on the FFC platform.
How do I know if my facilities need to purchase a Custom Assessment FFC Subscription?
Brands have been asked to provide a list of “nominated” facilities–those facilities that they plan to audit or request self-assessments from and therefore need to purchase the subscription–to their FFC customer success manager. If you are unsure which, if any, of your facilities require a Custom Assessment FFC subscription, please contact your FFC customer success manager.
How much does the Custom Assessment FFC subscription cost?
The cost of the subscription is 299 USD.
What does purchasing the subscription allow your facilities to do?
The Custom Assessments FFC subscription allows any FFC Brand to start an unlimited number of custom assessments for the facility during a 12-month period.