The median score has dropped by 28 points in the Energy section. The majority of facility scores fall between a 56-point drop and an 8-point increase. Scores in this section changed because, in FEM 3.0, Level 3 questions on Scope 3 GHG emission tracking and SBTi enrollment were not scored. Therefore, Level 1 and Level 2 accounted for 50% of the section score in FEM 3.0. In FEM 4.0, Level 3 questions in the Energy section are scored; re-aligning this section with the scoring methodology of all other sections.
Facilities that did not perform well in Level 2 and Level 3 in FEM 3.0, will lose a maximum of 25 points from Level 3 and at least a few points from Level 2 in FEM 4.0, which accounts for 50% of the total module score. Easier questions in Level 1 account for 25% of the total (half of what facilities would have received in FEM 3.0 Level 1).
Disclaimer: The score assessment completed by Cascale is biased for the following reasons:
- The analysis was completed on more than 5200 posted modules in the first three months of FEM 2023 adoption, compared to their FEM 2022 score.
- Cascale evaluated facilities that posted their module at the start of the cadence introducing selection bias. Facilities that post early in the cadence are usually returning and more experienced in completing the FEM assessment.
- With the narrowed scope of core verification in 2024 of Levels 2 and 3, there is no validation of the accuracy of those responses this year. Score increases may be due to inaccurate responses.