After creating a new cadence, you will be asked to upload accounts.
Manually Search for Individual Accounts
Use the search function to manually add accounts one by one to your cadence.
Use the bulk upload feature in the Adoption Tool to upload up to 1,500 companies at the same time. This feature is used to add accounts to your cadence and send invitations in bulk.
Select the blue hyperlink in the screenshot "Download example-import-format.csv" to download a template for importing companies to the tool. Once the file is uploaded, the system will automatically send out a Share Request to all accounts added to the cadence.
1. Prepare Your List
Once you've downloaded the CSV file, you'll see a list of fields populating the first row. Each field corresponds to a specific account criteria used to search for account matches when the list is uploaded.
Worldly (Higg) ID - The shorter numeric string used as a unique identifier.
- Ex: 138382
Account ID - The longer alphanumeric string used as a unique identifier.
- Ex: 3b7027750db4d52e5079a…
Worldly (Higg) ID or Account ID are the two best ways to find a direct match to a Worldly account. If you know either of these, it is not necessary to include any other fields in the import file. Find these two IDs in previous Higg FEM pages by downloading the Performance CSV from your FEM modules page. This file will show details for accounts that have previously shared their module with you.
OAR ID - Formerly known as OS ID, this is a 15-character unique Open Supply Hub ID associated with facility accounts.
- Ex: CN2019067NZ95AM
- Custom Account ID - The custom ID for the matched record (if the account has one).
- Social Credit ID - A unique 18-digit national business registration number issued to all businesses and other entities in China.
- Tax ID - The unique company tax ID.
Email - Multiple email addresses are accepted, but must be separated by a semicolon.
- The system will look for matching Worldly account user email addresses.
- If you want to invite non-Worldly users to create an account on the Worldly platform, you must include their email address.
Location - For each record where the full address is unknown, try to be as specific as possible. If the street name is unknown, try to at least provide the City and Country.
- The system will look for Worldly accounts that have an address within a 100-meter radius of the location.
- Company Name - The system will search for the exact string provided. For example, if “Company, Inc.” is entered, it will look for that exact string and yield results that contain “Company, Inc.” You must manually review potential matches if an exact match is not found.
The sample CSV bulk upload file pictured below shows each row representing a different account.
- Rows 3, 4, 5 and 6 have either a Higg ID, Account ID, OAR ID, or Custom Account ID entered.
- Rows 2 and 7 have Emails, Location, and Company Name entered for these accounts because the ID is unknown.
2. Upload File
Once you've filled out the CSV file, select the red Select File button.
Next, select Upload File and open the desired file.
Note that the system will not accept CSV files that contain more than 1,500 records (rows of data). It is not mandatory to fill out every column in the spreadsheet with information, however, the more information you upload the higher chance there is of finding a match.
3. Map Fields
Once your data has been extracted, you'll be prompted to map fields with destination fields that exist inside Worldly.
Oftentimes it will be a 1:1 match:
Other times you will need to manually map the fields:
Once you've finished mapping the fields, select Continue.
4. Resolve Errors
Once the file is uploaded, you may have errors that are indicated by the red and yellow colored cells in the screenshot below:
There are two types of errors:
Hard Errors: Indicated by the red cells, these errors mean you cannot submit your data into the Worldly Facility matching process until these get resolved. For example, some common Hard Errors include format errors such as an invalid email address or date format, or duplicate entries resulting in the same entry in two different cells.
Soft Errors: Indicated by the yellow cells, these errors mean the inputted value presented is unexpected. You can either choose to fix or leave it. For example, a common Soft Error is when an unexpected value does not match to the other values in the column.
To resolve errors, hover over the red or yellow cell to understand what the error is. Depending on the validation error type, either change the input or delete the cell.
5. Leverage Transformations (Optional)
Select the Transform button to leverage the data transformation feature. This enables you to easily transform and clean large amounts of data quickly and effectively.
The Transform feature uses natural language commands (as opposed to coding languages) to transform data.
For example, you can move data from one column to another, change data formatting, delete values, etc.
Click on the bar "Describe how you would like to transform your data..." to show prompt ideas for how to transform your data. Examples include Extract, Combine, Transform, and Calculate.
6. Submit Data and View Upload Results
Once you're satisfied with your data upload, select Submit Data.
You'll know you've successfully submitted your data if you see this message pop up in the platform:
Once you submit your list, the system begins a data validation process and begins matching records from your list to existing Worldly accounts. The processing time is dependent on the size of the list, with larger lists taking a few minutes to load.
Once the evaluation process is complete, you will see a paginated list of results.
Reference your import file as you review the results.
Green check icon - Direct matches: The facility in your list matched on all the criteria you provided and the account shown below most likely the correct account for the facility.
Yellow question mark icon - Partial matches: The facility in your list matched on some, but not all the criteria you provided. For example maybe the Worldly ID and address match, but the company name that was provided doesn't match. We'll provide you with a list of potential matches to choose from based on the information you provided in your list. If you don't see a good option listed you can search manually or track as No Account.
Red X icon - No match: we were unable to locate an existing account with the information provided. This could be because the facility needs to create an account. You can search manually or track as No Account.
Use the toggle to filter between different match types:
Select which accounts to add to the cadence and which entries to Track as No Account. This allows you to preview and confirm the accuracy of account matches before adding them to the cadence.
Records that have No Matches will show as marked with a red x mark. These are accounts with no match found in the platform based on the CSV upload. To resolve this, you can either search directly or add these to the cadence by selecting Track as No Account.