The tracking page allows brands to keep track of the facilities and their status. This article explains each status available in the Status column.
No Account - Not Requested: This account is being tracked in your facility list as No Account, but you have not sent a request to them to create an account yet.
No Account - Requested: This account is being tracked in your facility list as No Account, and you have sent a request to them to create an account.
No Subscription - Not Requested: This facility has a Worldly account but does not have an FDM subscription, and you have not sent a request to them to purchase a subscription yet.
No Subscription - Requested: This facility has a Worldly account but does not have an FDM subscription, and you have sent a request to them to purchase a subscription.
Never Posted - Not Requested: This facility has a Worldly account and an FDM subscription but has not posted any data, and you have not sent a request to them to share yet.
Never Posted - Requested: This facility has a Worldly account and an FDM subscription but has not posted any data, and you have sent a request to them to share.
Posted - Not Requested: This facility has a Worldly Account, FDM Subscription and has posted data, but is not yet sharing with you and you have not requested they share yet.
Posted - Requested: This facility has a Worldly Account, FDM Subscription and has posted data, but is not yet sharing with you and you have requested that they share with you.
Sharing: This facility has a Worldly account, FDM subscription and is posting and sharing their data with you.