The "Total Normalized" unit for FEM 2023 GHG did not appear on the 2023 CSV because it has already been removed. Here are the reasons for its removal:
- Normalizing them based on data that we do not have overall visibility on due to multiple facility types within a single facility is not practical. That said, the old Normalized GHG data point is available for facilities with a single facility type still, but we would not recommend using it for the reasons previously outlined above.
- As of now, only Energy Data is separated by facility type, so GHG emissions will not be able to be separated by facility type to be reported in a normalized manner. (separation is not applicable to Vehicle Emissions, Refrigerants & Biological WW Treatment), as such this is now not shown in the GHG Dashboard.
- GHG emissions are available by facility type both absolute and normalized. They are also available with vehicle and domestic emissions normalized across them. Documentation is available at starting on Page 29 of the FEM 2023 Energy and Global Warming Calculations document.
If you want to replicate the same normalized indicator as previous years for all of your facilities, please refer to the above reference in page 29.
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