Table of Contents
- Sipvalidoperatinglicense
- Sipvalidoperatinglicense Verification And Scoring
- Sipgovenvviolation2018
- Sipgovenvviolation2018 Verification And Scoring
- Sipiperecords
- Sipiperecords Verification And Scoring
- Sippermits
- Sippermits Verification And Scoring
Does your facility have a valid operating license, if required by law?
- The intent of this question is to demonstrate that you have the required legal authorization (e.g., license) to operate as a business.
- Answer Yes if: Your facility has a current and valid operating license or if an operating license is not required by local law.
- Answer No if: Your facility’s operating license is expired even if your facility is in the process of updating your operating license
- Note: If you answer "No" this question you will score ZERO points for the entire FEM. This is because a valid and current operating license is required to score points in the Facility Environmental Module.
Suggested Uploads:
- A copy of the valid operating license.
- If applicable, evidence that demonstrates an operating license is not required by local law.
What is the intent of the question?
- The intent of this question is for facilities to demonstrate that they have the required legal authorization (e.g., license) to operate as a business.
Sipvalidoperatinglicense Verification and Scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
Documentation Required:
- Copy of current and valid business license, if applicable and any other relevant licenses
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Who in the facility is responsible for ensuring the business license is kept up to date?
- What is the procedure for updating the business license, when required?
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Name on Business License matches the business name of the facility.
- Validity of the License that indicates it is not expired, if applicable.
2. Did your facility receive any government-issued environmental violation records for this reporting year? (Ref ID - sipgovenvviolation2018)
Answer Yes if: Your facility received a government-issued environmental violation in the FEM reporting year.
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be asked the following sub question:
- Please describe the violation and your site's action plan to improve.
Suggested Uploads:
- Copy of the government issues violation notice
- If applicable, the facility’s defined action plan to correct the violation.
What is the intent of the question?
The intent of this question is for facilities to disclose any government-issued environmental violation received in the reporting year and if applicable, provide information on their plans to correct the violation.
Sipgovenvviolation2018 Verification And Scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
Documentation Required:
- Copy of government-issued violation notice.
- If applicable, the facility’s action plan to correct the violation.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for environmental management can explain why the violation was received and the facility’s plans to correct the violation and prevent it from occurring in the future.
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations of the noted issues listed on the violation, or any actions completed to correct the violation.
- Online search of available government database(s)/records to identify any violations.
3. Does your facility currently have any records in the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) database? (Ref ID - sipiperecords)
Note: This question is only applicable to facilities located in China.
Answer Yes if: Your facility currently has any records on the IPE database.
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be asked the following sub questions:
- If yes, what violation is it? (Select all that apply)
- Wastewater
- Air
- Waste
- Other
- If other, please describe.
- If yes, has your facility registered on the IPE database?
- If yes, has your facility supplied enterprise feedback to the database and/or taken steps to remove the record(s) from the database?
Suggested Uploads:
- A copy of the IPE database record.
- If applicable, documents of the facility’s action and/or enterprise feedback to the database to remove the record.
What is the intent of the question?
The intent of this question is for facilities to disclose any records on the IPE database if applicable, and provide information on actions taken to have the record removed from the database.
Technical Guidance:
The following reference links are provided to assist users in accessing the IPE website, records, and additional information on using the IPE platform.
If your facility is new to the IPE, it is recommended that you visit these informational pages to learn more:
- IPE homepage:
- Introduction to Data:
- User Guide:
- Link to register for a corporate user account (required to search a list of suppliers/save information for export):
Viewing records database on IPE website and guidance on record removal:
- IPE Records Database (Chinese):
- Record removal guidance document (Chinese) click “监管记录处理方式”:
- IPE Records Database (English):
- Record removal guidance document (English) click "Approaches to Record Removal":
Note: If your site has a violation record and would like to supply enterprise feedback to IPE and/or take steps to remove the record from the database, please contact
Sipiperecords Verification And Scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
Documentation Required:
- A copy of the IPE database record.
- If applicable, documents of the facility’s action and/or enterprise feedback to the database to remove the record.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for environmental management can explain why the IPE record(s) were created and the facility’s plans or actions taken to have the record removed.
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations of the noted issues listed in the IPE record, or any actions completed to have the record removed.
4. Please complete the following questions to provide details on your facility’s environmental permits requirements and compliance status. (Ref ID - sippermits)
For this question, facilities will be asked to complete a table to provide the following information on all applicable environmental permits.
- Type of Permit (This list will be pre-populated with a list of environmental aspects which may require permits)
- Is a permit required?
- If yes, what is your status for this permit?
- If "Not available" is selected, please describe, or provide additional details.
- Name of the regulatory agency issuing the permit
- Is there an expiration date?
- Please enter expiration date (Month / Year)
- Please specify the reason why this permit is invalid.
- Required if "Available but Invalid" or "Not available due to authorization in progress" is selected for permit status.
- If "Available and valid" is selected, Do you have any outstanding legal notice documenting a non-compliance issue?
- If yes, please describe.
- Please upload a copy of your permit.
- If yes, what is your status for this permit?
- Provide any additional notes.
The following Guidance should be used to answer the question “Is a Permit Required?”:
- Yes : Means, the facility has that environmental impact and a permit is required within that country or jurisdiction
- No : Means, the facility has that environmental impact,but a permit is not required within that country or jurisdiction
- Not Applicable : Means, the facility does not have that environmental impact as such there is no requirement to obtain a permit
- Unknown : Means, the facility has that environmental impact but does not know whether a permit is required within that country or jurisdiction
Note: The following scenarios will result a score of ZERO for the entire FEM as these are considered basic compliance practices that must be met to achieve a FEM score:
- If your facility does not have a required environmental permit. (i.e., if you answer, "Not Available" to the question "What is your status for this permit?" for any required environmental permits).
- Note: If the permit status is “Not available due to authorization in progress” or “Available but Invalid” the FEM may be scored based on the condition below.
- If your facility is no longer able to meet the requirement of obtaining a required permit (i.e., if you answer, "Facility is no longer able to meet the requirement of obtaining the required permit" to the question "Please specify the reason why this permit is invalid?").
Suggested Uploads:
- Copies of all up-to-date environmental permits/registrations which are applicable to the facility.
- If applicable, supporting evidence of applications for renewal for any expired permits.
Note: that licenses/permits for hazardous waste contractors will be requested in the Waste section
What is the intent of the question?
The intent of this question is for facilities to demonstrate that they have obtained all applicable legally required environmental permits.
Technical Guidance:
Maintenance of all legally required environmental permits is a foundational compliance requirement. Please provide information on any rules or regulations your facility is required to follow such as permits, authorizations, licenses, registrations, certificates, or other compliance documentation your facility is required to follow for the following aspects:
- Water use
- Wastewater discharge (Direct/Onsite)
- Wastewater discharge (Indirect/Offsite)
- Wastewater treatment (Direct/Onsite)
- Wastewater treatment (Indirect/Offsite)
- Chemical use and management
- Air emissions for supply unit (point source)
- Air emissions for process (Fugitive source)
- Solid waste discharge
- Integrated Environmental permits (e.g., general environmental discharge permit)
- Other environmental permits
- Examples of other environmental permits may include:
- Onsite waste generation, management or storage.
- Required registration/permits for specific chemicals used. For example: Potassium Permanganate is controlled for purchasing and registration with the police office is required in some jurisdictions. This is not a permit, but registration required by law - therefore it must be included here.
Sippermits Verification And Scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
Documentation Required:
- Copies of all up-to-date environmental permits/registrations which are applicable to the facility as at the date/year when the verification takes place, as well as any applicable permits/registrations for the reporting year.
- If applicable, supporting evidence of applications for renewal for any expired permits.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff members responsible for environmental compliance and permitting can describe the facility’s procedures to ensure all required permits have been obtained and are being maintained and/or updated as required.
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Name and address on permits match the facility’s business name.
- Observations indicate that the facility is operating in compliance with any permit requirements.