Table of Contents
- Ensourceheader
- Enbiomasssource
- Enghgefelecpurch
- Ensteammix
- Enchilldwateref
- Ensourcedistrictheatingefknown
- Ensourcepurchrenewefknown
- Enonsiterenewsellrecs
- Ensolarcapacity
- Endieselforgeneratorqty
- Endieselmix
- Enbiodieselmix
- Ensourceheader verification and scoring
- Envehicleheader
- Enbiodieselvehicle
- Enpetrolvehicle
- Enethanolvehicle
- Envehicleheader verification and scoring
- Ensourcepurcheac
- Ensourcepurcheac Verification And Scoring
- Select all sources of energy for your facility (exclude sources used for company owned and controlled vehicles). Select all that apply: (Ref ID - ensourceheader)
Purchased Energy
- Purchased Electricity
- Purchased Steam
- Purchased Chilled Water
Renewable Energy
- Biodiesel
- Biogas
- Mini or Micro-Hydro (onsite)
- Purchased Renewables
- Solar Photovoltaic (electricity) (onsite)
- Solar Thermal (onsite)
- Wind (onsite)
Non-Renewable Energy
- CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
- Coal - commercial mix
- Coal Water Slurry
- Diesel
- Fabric Waste (e.g. Scrap or unused fabric from the facility or an external source that is suitable for energy generation (e.g. incineration))
- Fuel Oil - Blended
- LNG - Liquid Natural Gas
- LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas
- Natural Gas
- Petrol/Gasoline
- Propane
- Biomass - Sustainably Sourced with certification.
- Biomass - Without sustainably sourced biomass certification.
After selecting your energy sources, you will be asked the following sub questions to provide additional details on your energy sources:
What is the source of biomass? Select all that apply.
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- Click “Select” to choose the applicable sources of biomass.
- If Other or Country Specific Certification, please describe and give reference link to certification system.
- Please upload certificates.
- Biomass is biological material from living or recently living organisms.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Does your facility know the GHG emission factor of your purchased electricity source in the reporting period?
- Answer No if you do not know the specific GHG emission factor of this source. If No is selected, the standard country emission factor will be used.
Answer Yes if you know the specific emission factor for this source (this is uncommon). If Yes is selected, you will be presented with additional questions about the details of this emission factor.
- If Yes, please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
- Note: This should be the most recent and applicable emission factor attributable to the facility’s purchased electricity used in the reporting year.
- Please provide a direct link to the source of this emission factor
- Please upload documentation if available.
- If Yes, please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
Does your facility know the energy source (energy mix) used to generate your purchased steam?
- Answer No if you do not know the energy source (energy mix) of your purchased steam. If No is selected, the standard mix will be used. Not knowing the source will not impact your FEM score, performance or level achievement.
Answer Yes if you know the specific energy sources for your purchased steam. If Yes is selected, you will be presented with additional questions about those sources.
- Complete the following table to provide details on the energy mix of the purchased steam for the reporting year.
- What is the pressure of the steam received at the facility?
- What is the temperature of the steam received at the facility (Celsius)?
- Please upload any reference documents
Does your facility know the GHG emission factor of your purchased chilled water source?
- Answer No if you do not know the specific GHG emission factor of this source. If No is selected, the standard country emission factor will be used.
Answer Yes if you know the specific emission factor for this source (this is uncommon). If Yes is selected, you will be presented with additional questions about the details of this emission factor.
- If Yes, please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
- Note: This should be the most recent and applicable emission factor attributable to the facility’s purchased chilled water used in the reporting year.
- Please provide a direct link to the source of this emission factor
- Please upload documentation if available.
- If Yes, please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
Does your facility know the GHG emission factor of your purchased heating (District Heating) source?
- Answer No if you do not know the specific GHG emission factor of this source. If No is selected, the standard country emission factor will be used.
Answer Yes if you know the specific emission factor for this source (this is uncommon). If Yes is selected, you will be presented with additional questions about the details of this emission factor.
- If Yes, Please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
- Note: This should be the most recent and applicable emission factor attributable to the facility’s purchased heating used in the reporting year.
- Please provide a direct link to the source of this emission factor
- Please upload documentation if available.
- What is the temperature of the heated water received at the facility (Celsius)?
- What is the temperature of the heated water from district heating exiting the facility (Celsius)?
- If Yes, Please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
Does your facility know the GHG emission factor of your purchased renewables in the reporting period?
- Answer No if you do not know the specific GHG emission factor of this source. If No is selected, the standard country emission factor will be used.
Answer Yes if you know the specific emission factor for this source (this is uncommon). If Yes is selected, you will be presented with additional questions about the details of this emission factor.
- If Yes, Please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
- Note: This should be the most recent and applicable emission factor attributable to the facility’s purchased renewables used in the reporting year.
- Please provide a direct link to the source of this emission factor
- Please upload documentation if available.
- Does your facility have the ownership of the associated renewable energy credits/carbon offsets from these purchased renewables?
- Does your facility know the renewable energy sources (energy mix) used to generate your purchased renewables?
- If Yes, Please indicate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh)
From the reported Onsite Solar or Wind Power Generation, are the carbon or renewable energy credits sold/allocated to an external party?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The carbon or renewable energy credits are sold/allocated to an external party. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter the percentage of the credits sold/allocated to the external party.
- Answer “No” if: The carbon or renewable energy credits are not sold/allocated to an external party.
- Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) are market-based instrument that represents environmental benefits associated with renewable electricity generation.
- Learn more about energy use here.
What is the capacity of the onsite Solar Photovoltaic (electricity generating) system (in kWp)?
- This question appears if you select “Solar Photovoltaic” under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- In the freeform numeric field, enter the capacity of the onsite Solar Photovoltaic system.
- Solar Photovoltaic systems convert sunlight directly into electricity using semiconductor materials.
- Learn more about energy use here.
What is the percentage of your total Diesel usage, used for the onsite Generator?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- In the freeform numeric field, enter the percentage of your total Diesel usage used for the onsite Generator.
- Diesel is the type of fuel used primarily in diesel engines, which are commonly found in trucks, buses, cars, as well as machinery and generators.
- Learn more about energy use here.
- Note: This question refers to diesel used in non-vehicular sources only.
- Note: If Diesel and /or Biodiesel are selected as sources, you will be asked the following sub questions to provide details on the fuel blend of these fuels. For example, if the biodiesel blend used at your facility is B20 (20% Biodiesel and 80% traditional diesel fuel), the numeric value of 20 should be input for the question “What is the percentage of Biodiesel within your biodiesel source?”
Is the Diesel used within your facility a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The Diesel used within your facility is a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter the percentage of Biodiesel within your diesel source.
- Answer “No” if: The Diesel used within your facility is not a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel.
- Biodiesel is blended with traditional diesel, this renewable alternative is made from vegetable oils or animal fats.
- Diesel is the type of fuel used primarily in diesel engines, which are commonly found in trucks, buses, cars, as well as machinery and generators.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Ensourceheader verification and scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
This question is unscored.
Documentation Required:
- List of all energy sources used at the facility and any supporting documentation that may include:
- Energy purchasing and/or use records (e.g., invoices, metering records)
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on energy source characteristics. This may include:
- Published GHG emission factor data for energy sources.
- Certifications for biomass energy sources.
- Purchased steam temperature and pressure data.
- Documentation that indicates the fuel blend ratio for Diesel, Biodiesel, if applicable.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for managing energy understand the facility’s energy sources and any supporting energy source characteristics reported in the sub questions (e.g., GHG emission factors, sources of biomass and any associated certification, purchased steam temperature and pressure, etc.)
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations onsite are consistent with the facility’s reported energy sources (i.e., the reported sources are observed to be in use at the facility)
Is the Biodiesel used within your facility a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcefacility in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The Biodiesel used within your facility is a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter the percentage of Biodiesel within your biodiesel source.
- Answer “No” if: The Biodiesel used within your facility is not a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel.
- Biodiesel is blended with traditional diesel, this renewable alternative is made from vegetable oils or animal fats.
- Diesel is the type of fuel used primarily in diesel engines, which are commonly found in trucks, buses, cars, as well as machinery and generators.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Guidance for Higg FEM:
This question is not scored in the 2024 Higg FEM reporting year. Scoring may be applied in future reporting years.
What is the intent of the question?
The intent of this question is to ensure facilities have identified and understand important characteristics of all energy sources used at the facility.
Technical Guidance:
Understanding all of your facility’s energy sources is an important first step in energy management that will support identifying and tracking what energy is being used, where it is being used, and how much is being used.
In the FEM for this question, facilities are required to select all energy sources used within the site’s physical boundary and operations under your business control (owned, operated, or directly leased).
Note: Several of the sub questions require specific data on energy sources such as GHG emission factors for purchased electricity and chilled water, energy mix and pressure/temperature of purchased steam, etc. This information may be available directly from the utility provider, government sources, or other credible publicly available sources.
Reporting Fuel Blends in the Higg FEM for Diesel and Biodiesel
Commercially available fuels are often blended and may be available in different concentrations. For example, B10 (10% Biodiesel and 90% traditional diesel fuel). In the FEM, facilities are asked to report details on the proportions of the fuel blends used to allow for accurate accounting of GHG emissions. This information should be obtained from fuel providers.
2. Select all sources of energy/fuel for company owned and controlled vehicles. Select all that apply: (Ref ID - envehicleheader)
Notes: For sources below that relate to charging or fuelling of vehicles onsite, you should select the energy source below only if this energy consumption is tracked separately and is NOT already included in the facility’s overall energy reporting for the source(s) selected in the previous question so as to avoid double counting the use of this energy source in the Higg FEM. For example, if your facility has electric vehicles and charges them onsite using purchased electricity and the electricity consumption of these vehicles is not tracked separately (i.e., subtracted from overall facility electricity consumption), you should not select this source for this question. Similarly, if the facility has natural gas or propane fueled vehicles that are refueled onsite and this is not tracked separately from overall facility usage, you should not select these as sources for this question.
Purchased Energy
- Purchased Electricity
Renewable Energy
- Biodiesel
- Biogas
- Ethanol
- Hydrogen - Renewable Source (i.e., Produced from renewable energy (green hydrogen))
- Purchased Renewables (electricity)
- Solar Photovoltaic (electricity)
- Wind (electricity)
Non-Renewable Energy
- CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
- Diesel
- Hydrogen -Non- Renewable Source(i.e., Produced from non-renewable energy (grey hydrogen))
- LNG - Liquid Natural Gas
- LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas
- Petrol/Gasoline
- Propane
Note: If Diesel, Biodiesel, Ethanol and/or Petrol/Gasoline are selected as sources, you will be asked the following sub questions to provide details on the fuel blend of these fuels. For example, if the petrol/gasoline used at your facility is 90% petrol/gasoline and 10% Ethanol, the numeric value of 10 should be input for the question “What is the percentage of Ethanol within your Petrol/Gasoline source?” :
Is the Diesel used for the vehicles a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel? (Ref ID - envehicleheader)
- If Yes, What is the percentage of Biodiesel within your diesel source? (ie. B10, B15, B20 etc)
How This Will Be Verified:
This question is unscored.
Documentation Required:
- List of all energy sources of energy/fuel used for company owned and controlled vehicles and any supporting documentation that may include:
- Energy purchasing and/or use records.
- Supporting documentation that indicates the fuel blend ratio for Diesel, Biodiesel, Ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline in company owned and controlled vehicles, if applicable.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for managing energy understand the facility’s energy sources used for company owned and controlled vehicles.
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations onsite are consistent with the facility’s reported energy sources for company owned and controlled vehicles (i.e., company vehicles that use the reported energy sources).
Is the Biodiesel used for the vehicles a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcevehicle in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The Biodiesel used for the vehicles is a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter in the percentage of Biodiesel within your biodiesel source.
- Answer “No” if: The Diesel used for the vehicles is not a mixture of both Biodiesel and Diesel.
- Biodiesel is blended with traditional diesel, this renewable alternative is made from vegetable oils or animal fats.
- Diesel is the type of fuel used primarily in diesel engines, which are commonly found in trucks, buses, cars, as well as machinery and generators.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Is the Petrol/Gasoline used for the vehicles a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcevehicle in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The Petrol/Gasoline used for the vehicles is a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter in the percentage of ethanol within your Petrol/Gasoline source.
- Answer “No” if: The Petrol/Gasoline used for the vehicles is not a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Is the ethanol used for the vehicles a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline?
- This question appears if you select the applicable source of energy under ensourcevehicle in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: The Ethanol used for the vehicles is a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to enter in the percentage of ethanol within your ethanol source.
- Answer “No” if: The Ethanol used for the vehicles is not a mixture of both ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline.
- Learn more about energy use here.
Guidance for Higg FEM:
This question is not scored in the 2024 Higg FEM reporting year. Scoring may be applied in future reporting years.
What is the intent of the question?
The intent of this question is to ensure facilities have identified all energy sources of energy/fuel for company owned and controlled vehicles.
Technical Guidance:
Understanding all of your facility’s energy sources is an important first step in energy management that will support identifying and tracking what energy is being used, where it is being used, and how much is being used.
In the FEM for this question, facilities are required to select all energy sources used for company owned and controlled vehicles. This should include company owned or controlled vehicles used for transporting including, but not limited to employees (workers and management staff), contractors, customers, raw materials, or product.
Reporting Fuel Blends in the Higg FEM for Diesel, Biodiesel, Ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline
Commercially available fuels are often blended and may be available in different concentrations. For example, B10 (10% Biodiesel and 90% traditional diesel fuel), or E85 (up to 85% Ethanol and 15% traditional petrol/gasoline). In the FEM, facilities are asked to report details on the proportions of the fuel blends used to allow for accurate accounting of GHG emissions. This information should be obtained from fuel providers.
Envehicleheader verification and scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
This question is unscored.
Documentation Required:
- List of all energy sources of energy/fuel used for company owned and controlled vehicles and any supporting documentation that may include:
- Energy purchasing and/or use records.
- Supporting documentation that indicates the fuel blend ratio for Diesel, Biodiesel, Ethanol and Petrol/Gasoline in company owned and controlled vehicles, if applicable.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for managing energy understand the facility’s energy sources used for company owned and controlled vehicles.
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations onsite are consistent with the facility’s reported energy sources for company owned and controlled vehicles (i.e., company vehicles that use the reported energy sources).
Does your facility purchase Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) (e.g. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs))?
- The intent of this question is to demonstrate if you have purchased and retired EACs in this reporting period.
- Note: When reporting EAC data in the FEM, Facilities should refer to the “Reporting Energy Use in the FEM for Purchased Electricity, Purchased Renewables, Onsite Renewables and EACs” in the Introduction section of this Guidance.
- Answer Yes if your facility purchased and retired EACs for the reporting period. If another business entity (e.g., Manufacturing group or brand partner) purchased and retired the EAC on behalf of your facility, it must have been registered/retired under your facility’s name and location (i.e., legal business entity name and address) as listed on your Worldly account.
- If you answer Yes to this question, you will be asked additional questions about your purchased EACs.
- What type of Energy Attribute Certificates does your facility purchase?
- How many MWh did your facility purchase and retire in the reporting year?
- Note: Report the MWh quantity retired in the reporting year (e.g., If 100MWh was purchased, but only 75MWh was retired for the reporting year, 75MWh should be input)
- Please upload your certificate
- Please select the energy sources of your EACs
- Complete the following question to provide details on the energy mix of the EAC for the reporting year.
- Answer No if your facility purchased, but did not retire the EACs.
- Additional information
Guidance for Higg FEM:
This question is not scored in the 2024 Higg FEM reporting year. Scoring may be applied in future reporting years.
What is the intent of the question?
- The intent of this question is for companies to demonstrate that they have purchased and retired EACs in the Higg FEM reporting year.
Technical Guidance:
Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is a general term for a variety of market-based instruments that represent how energy is generated and ownership of the attributes of that energy. The name and specific requirements for EACs are typically defined by the jurisdiction or program under which they are issued. EACs can be issued as part of government initiatives or be offered by independent third-party providers such as the EAC programs listed below:
- Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in North America
- Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in Europe
- Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) in the UK
- International RECs (I-RECs)
- Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables (TIGRs) across the rest of the world
- Green-e Energy (EACs)
- EKOenergy certified EACs
- Green Electricity Certificate (GEC)
- Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin System (YEK-G)
Certificates are typically produced per Megawatt hour (MWh) and are registered in a tracking system as part of the EAC scheme. EACs will have several unique identification and data attributes associated with them such as:
- Certificate type/unique identification number
- Tracking system ID
- Renewable fuel type
- Renewable facility location
- Emissions rate of the renewable resource
Retiring EACs
Once the end user of the EAC claims the energy attributes of the EAC, it is then retired and no longer available to be attributed to future energy use. Each EAC scheme will have established criteria and/or procedures for the purchase, transfer, and retirement of EACs that should be followed.
Details on specific EACs can be found at the links provided above. Additionally, an overview of how EACs can be applied in a GHG accounting program can also be found at the link below:
- Greenhouse Gas Protocol - Scope 2 Guidance -
Ensourcepurcheac Verification And Scoring
How This Will Be Verified:
This question is unscored.
Documentation Required:
- Documentation to show you have purchased/retired energy associated with an EAC in the reporting year including the certificate(s) and any other relevant documentation required by the respective EAC scheme to demonstrate the facility’s ownership and purchase/retiring of the EAC.
- If the EAC was purchased by another company (i.e., manufacturing group or brand partner) and retired under the facility’s name, documentation must be available to demonstrate that the EAC was retired for the specific facility name and location (i.e., legal business entity name and address) as registered on their Worldly account.
- Energy tracking records that show the facility’s energy consumption and demonstrate that claims or reported energy attributes of the EAC(s) were appropriately applied.
Interview Questions to Ask:
- Staff responsible for managing the EAC(s) must be knowledgeable on the respective EAC scheme and be able to explain the facility’s procedures for utilizing EAC(s) (e.g., purchasing and retiring certificates, reporting claims of energy attributes of the EAC).
Inspection - Things to Physically Look For:
- Observations onsite of the facility’s energy use and sources are consistent with the reported EACs used.