Question 8 of the Site Info and Permit section of the Higg FEM asks the following question:
"Has your facility or facility personnel attended a Cascale approved Higg FEM training course provided by a Higg FEM Trainer Body within the past 24 months? (Ref ID - sipapprovedtraining)"
In order to meet the requirements of this question, you must attend a Higg FEM Training course that was approved by an approved Higg FEM Trainer body within the past 24 months (from the time of Higg FEM Self-Assessment completion).
A list of approved Higg FEM Trainer Bodies can be found here.
Therefore, Worldly online e-learning courses for FEM users do not count towards this question in the assessment. Worldly e-learning courses are provided to our customer base to get the most out of the Worldly platform and FEM. However, question 8 is specifically asking about the training body trainings. Check out the Higg FEM Training schedule here.