General Verification FAQ
- Higg FEM 4.0: Important Verification Updates
- What is the scope of verification for FEM 2024? Will levels 2 and/or 3 questions be included for verification?
- Since verification scope is only Level 1, will Chemical Specialists be needed for FEM 2024 verification?
- Is the USD300 Cascale Verification Program Fee collected by the verification body still in effect for vFEM2024?
- Can an FEM verifier from one country conduct FEM verifications in other countries?
- Is L1 waste data in scope for FEM 2024 verification?
Higg FEM 4.0: Important Verification Updates
- If facility has achieved L1 and answered questions in L2 and L3, how is the verification score calculated? Is it the same as for FEM 2023?
- Is the final score considered a partially verified score once again this year for FEM 2024?
- Is the BOD3 Test in the wastewater section considerable for the question: "How does your facility monitor the BOD5 Level of your wastewater"?
- Is there any score for the FEM2023 Core Verification? If yes, how will it be scored?
- What is the verification plan for 2023? How will verification differ for FEM 4.0?
- If a facility has SBTs approved, will those be covered in the verification?
- Can Higg FSLM be verified in China? Can Higg FEM verifiers also verify Higg FSLM?
- Can Higg FSLM be verified on SLCP gateway?
- Are there additional costs involved with Verification?
- In which countries is Verification available?
- Linking SLCP ID to the Worldly Account
- FSLM Verification Workflow
FEM Verification Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Air Emissions: Are general exhaust fans or vents acceptable control device for air emissions?
- Air Emissions: If only electrical boilers (that does not generate air emissions) are used, do "boilers "need to be selected in the Air Emissions Applicability section?
- Chemicals: Are Bluesign "grey" rated chemicals considered as preferred/positive chemicals?
- Chemicals: Are fire drills equivalent to chemical emergency response drills?
- Chemicals: Can the Bluesign BSSL or other industry chemical lists be considered an MRSL?
- Energy: Should facilities report insignificant non-production related energy use in the FEM (e.g. LPG used in kitchen)?