General FEM FAQ
- What is an Open Supply Hub ID and why was this question added to FEM 2024?
- Is the roll forward of qualitative data feature available now on this year's FEM?
- What environmental aspects (e.g., water use, carbon footprint, chemical use) are not currently covered by FEM? How does FEM plan to address these areas in the future?
- How transparent are the FEM results to stakeholders, including consumers? Are there plans to make this data more publicly accessible to build consumer trust?
- Will the FEM communications toolkit be available in all plans?
- What improvements or updates are planned for FEM in the near future? How will evolving environmental issues and industry trends be incorporated into the module?
- In the 2024 Higg FEM, if the facility achieves L1, will L2 and L3 questions be scored?
- When L2 and L3 questions open as optional, is there a clear indicator to the person completing the assessment that the sections are optional and will not be scored?
- Is the scoring methodology for both self and verified assessments the same for 2024 as it was for FEM 2023?
- Do only L1 questions count towards the total score?
- If all L1 questions can be answered with "yes" can a facility achieve full score on the Higg FEM irrespective of L2 and L3 responses?
- If a facility does not participate in the trainings, and doesn't receive a certificate, will it affect the FEM score?
Levels & Applicabilities
- If a facility achieves level 1 but chooses not to answer L2 and L3 questions, will this impact their score?
- How is L1 achievement defined in previous cadences, based on self-assessed or verified results?
- How will a factory know whether they have achieved L1 while completing the 2024 FEM self-assessment? Will there be any indicator flags within the questionnaire?
- If a facility did not achieve L1 in previous cadences, L2 and L3 will only be accessible if they can achieve L1 on FEM 2024?
- If a facility did achieve L1 in previous cadences, will L2 and L3 be accessible regardless of whether they can achieve L1 on FEM 2024?
- Does the Higg FEM 2024, include any requirements of the new legislation in Europe such as PEF, DPP, for example?
FEM: Targets & Baselines
- Why can't we choose 2017 as the baseline year for GHG emissions in the Energy section? Many brands have set SBT (Science Based Target) and some of them set the 2017 as baseline year and we need to align the target with the brands.
- Petrol/gasoline is not included among our facility's energy sources for production, but it is among the sources for company owned and controlled vehicles. Why then does petrol not appear on Q9 to indicate a baseline set?
- How do I set baselines and when do I need to change my baseline year?
- What do I need to know about data normalization?
- What is a baseline?
- I want to set 2023 as my baseline year for energy targets in FEM 2023 but portal does not having option to set 2023
Site Info & Permit
- Is the Solid Waste discharge permit requested (if we have one) asking for the hazardous waste permit or the conventional solid waste permit?
- Is the facility's GHG emissions included in a broader corporate disclosure? If so, give an example of broader corporate disclosure.
- Under Facility Material Processes: Chalk refinement/crushing - Prepreg lamination - RTM - Wet lay-up (various fibre), none of these are available for our company. If I don’t select one, the verification will not reach 100% result. What should I do?
- What is SAM and how is it calculated?
- What is the difference between finished product assembler and Finished Product Processing?
- The factory's surrounding ground surface is completely constructed with concrete. Is testing required to identify the soil contamination or not? For Cut to Pack Facility, what is frequency to conduct the soil testing since there is no wet process?
- Could you explain a little bit more on Data Quality Management for Quantitative Metrics? What policies and procedures are required to say yes to this question?
- We need to know how to create a formal template for our strategic plan and if we are creating a strategic plan for installing solar energy, is this considered a strategic plan?
- Can you recommend suggestions for employee training?
- In the EMS section, there are one or more Upstream Suppliers using the HIGG index or other Environmental Programs Level 3 question. The guideline shows Material Suppliers, Fabric Suppliers, and Chemical Suppliers. What is the meaning of "one or more"?
- As per guidelines, the HIGG Index is not compulsory for upstream suppliers and they can engage alternatives (ISO, LWG, or BEPI, Etc.). Since an alternative Environmental Assessment is added to the question, is FEM 4.0 not mandatory for Upstream Suppliers?
- Does Higg FEM expect soil/groundwater sampling to be conducted annually, semi-annually, monthly, or case by case as necessary?
- For facilities implementing green power initiatives, when facility-specific emission factors should be considered, does facility have to mention green power consumption too?
- As a facility that only tracks total consumption of each of my energy and water sources, how can I report this consolidated data on the FEM when tables open for each of my multiple facility types?
- How are custom emissions factors used for calculating GHG emissions from FEM?
- Nuclear energy is considered a clean energy source as it does not produce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide or methane. If a facility sourced nuclear energy for operational and production, can it be considered renewable energy/purchased renewable?
- How do we reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions in different scopes (1, 2 & 3) if manpower and production target are increasing and what do we need to achieve the target as per baseline? How do we mitigate this to achieve SBTI targets of carbon emissions?
- Energy invoice numbers will be with some gaps from actual operation consumption as the counting time is different. If onsite verification will be based on the invoice numbers or actual operation for calculation?
- The factory is using municipal blue water without pre-treatment, only a small amount, about 5% of total water, used as drinking water and for cooking is treated through water filtration systems. Is it considered as incoming water pre-treatment?
- How can we effectively count the incoming and outgoing data?
- If a facility is non-compliant with legally mandated groundwater abstraction restrictions, but making implementation plans to be in compliance, would it still qualify for full points on this question?
- Regarding new questions added to the energy and water sections pertaining to Science-Based Targets, where might a facility find examples of what a Science-Based Target for energy and water needs to be?
- In the guideline, I need to test the risk level with the two given methods, WRI and WWF. However, in the self-assessment, only 1 tool can be chosen on the website, do I need to use both tools to evaluate the water risk or is just 1 tool okay?
- As my factory is in high water use and low water risk, in this case, do I need to complete level 2 and 3 questions? (In FEM 4.0 guideline: Yes, but in self-assessment questionnaire: No.)
- Where should Wastewater generated from Compressor or Boiler Blowdown be reported under, is it under Domestic wastewater or Industrial Wastewater?
- Our facility wastewater is connected to Municipality Wastewater Treatment offsite. We have no control over operations and do not treat water onsite. Are we still expected to have an emergency plan in case there's a problem with the wastewater treatment?
- Regarding the definition of reuse process wastewater in H2H, does it refer only to closed-loop systems with water as working fluid?
- To whom should the facility provide wastewater sludge training?
- Does the septic tank produce sludge, and is it required for septic tank service providers to have a transportation permit for it?
- Does the septic tank produce sludge, and is it required for septic tank service providers to have a transportation permit for it?
Air Emissions
- If the generator is only used for emergencies and is rarely used, is it still required to undergo an emissions test?
- If we have already reported the air emission of ovens to Q1 "operation equipment (Industrial Ovens)", should we report this air emission source to Q2 "processes (Tenterframes or other heating processes)?
- What is the scope of point source exhaust gas emissions? Does it include forklifts?
- We are a Garment factory. We use the numbering process in cutting. Does this place need a Hood Chemical room if the numbering area does not produce air pollution?
- The concentration of particulate matter in gas emissions is very low. Should we still track it?
- We use R32 refrigerant, but there is no option for it. How should we make a choice? The concentration of particulate matter in gas emissions is very low. Should we still track it?
- Is the circular economy a machine that accepts solid waste and will give money to a person who disposes of the waste inside the machine?
- Which type of waste does LED light belong to? Is a light bulb hazardous or harmless? Is electronic waste hazardous or harmless?
- If the factory has canceled the process of "screen and printing frames", should the factory still select "screen and printing frames" when indicating the hazardous waste generated, after setting it as a baseline in 2021?
- Does the general or unspecified waste refer to household waste?
- If we have a waste category that can only be landfilled like ETP sludge, how can we change the waste disposal method? Please advise.
- Where can I find the waste sub-categories available on the FEM 4.0?
- How can we demonstrate compliance with Q11 and Q12 on RSL compliance? In addition to carrying out testing to "ensure there is a validation processes in place to ensure compliance", what other validation processes are acceptable?
- In Q5, "Does your facility contribute to an analysis of lifecycle impacts for selecting alternative processes?", there is few tool to do this such as bluesign Xpert but it is not available. Can you share some best practice?
- Is it mandatory to use ZDHC Gateway for checking the chemical inventory list for ZDHC MRSL?
- Under the Chemicals Management section. What certification courses do responsible persons (Qualified Trainers) need to take?
- Can a facility with multiple sub-factories located away from the main factory, extend the activities of their CMS team and apply all their CMS documents to the sub-factories on FEM self-assessment and verification?
- We do not use chemicals in production. It seems we need to include MRSL conformance level in the chemicals inventory list, but our chemical suppliers don't register their chemicals on ZDHC platform, what can we input for the MRSL conformance level?