FEM Verification Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Air Emissions: Are general exhaust fans or vents acceptable control device for air emissions?
- Air Emissions: If only electrical boilers (that does not generate air emissions) are used, do "boilers "need to be selected in the Air Emissions Applicability section?
- Chemicals: Are Bluesign "grey" rated chemicals considered as preferred/positive chemicals?
- Chemicals: Are fire drills equivalent to chemical emergency response drills?
- Chemicals: Can the Bluesign BSSL or other industry chemical lists be considered an MRSL?
- Energy: Should facilities report insignificant non-production related energy use in the FEM (e.g. LPG used in kitchen)?
- Is it still possible to carry out verification for FEM 2023
- Site Info and Permits: If ground water extraction permission is required, but there is no extraction limit is mentioned in the permit, what should be done & answered in "Water" "Q6.2.1-Q6.2.3"?
- Wastewater: Can testing against local law be considered as testing against a "Wastewater Standard"?
- Wastewater: If the facility is using a common ETP owned by another facility of the factory group at the same shared site, should it be considered as onsite or offsite treatment?
- Water: Is there a list that classifies which processes correspond to each type of facility?