General Verification FAQ
- Higg FEM 4.0: Important Verification Updates
- What is the scope of verification for FEM 2024? Will levels 2 and/or 3 questions be included for verification?
- Since verification scope is only Level 1, will Chemical Specialists be needed for FEM 2024 verification?
- Is the USD300 Cascale Verification Program Fee collected by the verification body still in effect for vFEM2024?
- Can an FEM verifier from one country conduct FEM verifications in other countries?
- Is L1 waste data in scope for FEM 2024 verification?
- Are there any modifications or updates to the verifier body administrative fees for FEM 2024?
- Can you provide any timeline within which the full scope of the assessment, including L2 and L3 questions will be verified again?
- Does the facility receive a certificate after completing FEM verification?
- Can I change the assigned Verifier even when the module status is already in VRP?
- How can a facility arrange for verification of their assessment on Higg FEM 2024?
- As a verifier, why are my answers not being saved by the platform, even though it shows as 'saved'?
- If two facility types are located on the same premises is a single verification acceptable to cover both or would verification have to be done separately?
- How long is a Higg FEM verification valid for?
- Can I share my FEM assessment with others even if I don't verify (vFEM)?
- How can we download FEM and FSLM certificates from the online platform after verification?
- FEM Verification Process
- FEM Verification Workflow
- Higg FEM Verification Protocol
- List of Higg FEM Verification Bodies