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If the generator is only used for emergencies and is rarely used, is it still required to undergo an emissions test?
If we have already reported the air emission of ovens to Q1 "operation equipment (Industrial Ovens)", should we report this air emission source to Q2 "processes (Tenterframes or other heating processes)?
What is the scope of point source exhaust gas emissions? Does it include forklifts?
We are a Garment factory. We use the numbering process in cutting. Does this place need a Hood Chemical room if the numbering area does not produce air pollution?
The concentration of particulate matter in gas emissions is very low. Should we still track it?
We use R32 refrigerant, but there is no option for it. How should we make a choice? The concentration of particulate matter in gas emissions is very low. Should we still track it?
Why are we not able to upload more than 1 document for the question "Does your facility have a program to build awareness of your environmental impacts and performance with your employees?"
In a stain removal process using aerosols, how should fugitive emission measures be implemented?
In our facility all machines are automatic. There are air emissions from a generator, which we operate only 30 minutes monthly for maintenance, and air emissions from the air conditioner. Could we categorize it as "air emission from refrigerant"?
Where can we find more guidance on VOCs? There is no specific guideline in Higg new FEM 4.0.
Are standard refrigerators used by employees to store their lunches included in the definition of a "Refrigerant containing device"?
Is it necessary to do the analysis for all machines or can we just analyze a percentage of them. To illustrate: If we have 100 machines of the same brand, can we analyze just for 10 machines only or does analysis have to be performed on all 100 machines?
What is the difference between GHG and air emissions?
For air emissions, how often should we test all parameters?
For air emissions, should we test according to all parameters in level 2 on questions 8 and 9 (particulate matter, NOx, Sox, etc) or only a few of the parameters?
How do I differentiate the questions: (a) what specific refrigerant do you use in your facility, and (b) what types of refrigerants do you use in your facility?
What does a unique source identifier refer to in an air emission inventory?
What is the difference between facility operations and production when tracking air emissions?
Is it necessary to test our air emissions sources if we are out of scope for an air emissions permit?
If our factory uses electric boilers and does not need air emissions testing, should we identify the use of boilers in the air emissions section?
If particulate matter testing on boilers and generators is not mandatory by the government (as in Cambodia), how can we proceed with testing to avoid generating a 0 score on this question?
How do I calculate the total annual emissions of key pollutants from all point source emissions from facility operations?
How can I identify key pollutants from all point source emissions? Should I choose the pollutant that generates the most emissions?
When listing mobile and fugitive air emission sources, is it sufficient to list sources and pollutants, or does the volume of emissions also need to be estimated?
Do we have to renew our emissions report even if we do not change our production system?