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Nuclear energy is considered a clean energy source as it does not produce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide or methane. If a facility sourced nuclear energy for operational and production, can it be considered renewable energy/purchased renewable?
How do we reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions in different scopes (1, 2 & 3) if manpower and production target are increasing and what do we need to achieve the target as per baseline? How do we mitigate this to achieve SBTI targets of carbon emissions?
Energy invoice numbers will be with some gaps from actual operation consumption as the counting time is different. If onsite verification will be based on the invoice numbers or actual operation for calculation?
How to calculate the emission factor (kg CO2e/kWh) from purchased electricity?
What should we do if we receive the warning: "From what we've learned after reviewing tens of thousands of assessments, your total energy usage is lower than we'd expect based on your number of employees and operating days."
In Q2, Select all sources of energy/fuel for company owned and controlled vehicles, energy/fuel sources for company owned and controlled vehicles are electricity and coal – commercial mix but I don't choose coal. What should I do?
How do we calculate air emission? For example, for scope 3, transport from house to workplace and workplace to house for each employee.
As per the H2H guide, if I answer NO to the question, "Does your facility identify and track separately energy use in domestic vs. production?", I need to complete a table to provide details on my facility’s total energy use, but why didn't we have this?
How do we calculate our process related GHG and how do we asses our supplier GHG?
If we have purchased electricity of 2000kwh; 1100kwh as green electricity (renewables), is our purchased electricity 2000 or 900kwh? Which is used to calculate electricity's GHG emission on the Worldly platform?
If renewable energy sources like solar or wind are not applicable for a site, does Wordly recognize or acknowledge the purchase of Carbon Offset Credits as a substitute?
Is wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) included in production energy use calculations for determining Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in the Higg FEM?
Because electricity is uniformly transported from the power grid to factories, the specific amount of green electricity and photovoltaic used between domestic and production cannot be distinguished. How should we fill it out?
We will purchase green power in 2024 from companies that provide green power and provide a Green Electricity certificate, could this certificate be uploaded as an offset for carbon dioxide emissions? What types of certifications does the FEM recognize?
Regarding new questions added to the energy and water sections pertaining to Science-Based Targets, where might a facility find examples of what a Science-Based Target for energy and water needs to be?
Considering that biodiesel is included under renewable energy, can we claim the replacement of conventional diesel with biodiesel as a plan to phase out fossil fuel?
About domestic energy use, is the petrol/gasoline use for operational cars/vehicles (goods & passenger transportation) included under domestic or production energy use?
Could you confirm if carbon offsets are actually deducted from total CO2 emissions in the final calculation results within the FEM Energy section?
Can a facility do GHG Calculations on their own, using a calculation formula from online or should it use a third party?
How to purchase Carbon Offsets and ECAs?
For a facility that buys REC, should it reduce the value of electricity consumed by the value of the total RECs?
We have to include 2 brands for 1 account, How do we fill the electricity data in this case for each brand?
On the FEM version 4.0 does onsite renewable energy production count as applicable if a facility does not have EACs available to support?
How does the introduction of EACs impact the calculation of GHG emissions in FEM 4.0?
In past versions of the FEM, our GHG emissions were automatically calculated based on energy and gas inputs on the platform, is this still the same in new module?
Can alternatives to the GHG protocol, (such as eg: EPA, IPCC) be used to calculate GHG emissions?
How can we convert from energy to GHG?
What is the conversion coefficient for electricity and steam for carbon emissions automatically calculated in the system?
How should the facility track energy consumption separately between domestic and production?
Are IECs (renewable energy certificates) considered for Renewable Energy on the FEM?