Chuyến đến nội dung chính
Is the circular economy a machine that accepts solid waste and will give money to a person who disposes of the waste inside the machine?
Which type of waste does LED light belong to? Is a light bulb hazardous or harmless? Is electronic waste hazardous or harmless?
If the factory has canceled the process of "screen and printing frames", should the factory still select "screen and printing frames" when indicating the hazardous waste generated, after setting it as a baseline in 2021?
Does the general or unspecified waste refer to household waste?
If we have a waste category that can only be landfilled like ETP sludge, how can we change the waste disposal method? Please advise.
Where can I find the waste sub-categories available on the FEM 4.0?
Regarding overall environmental performance of waste contractors, what should be checked regarding overall environmental performance?
Regarding waste contractor due diligence and legal environment performance (e.g., historic violations), how many years back should we check the historic violation records against legal environment performance of waste contractor?
Regarding waste contractor qualifications (e.g., business license, environment permits, reports).. Should we check their business license, environmental permit? Reports here refer to what kinds of reports?
Regarding the question, "Does your facility segregate textile waste on material composition?" Are raw textile scrap, film scrap, lamination waste, seam tape, falling under the same category?
When normalizing baselines and targets, is a facility always required to base units in kg or metres OR can any unit be selected as preferred?
Help to define "textile waste".
Explain the 'offsite incineration without energy recovery for recyclables' method for handling waste.
In the waste section, there are disposal method options that are favorable and unfavorable, please explain.
Please explain the various methods to handle waste.
Can we validate the final disposal and treatment of all non-hazardous waste through contractors we work with, or do we need to go to the final disposal handler for validation?