Chuyến đến nội dung chính
Our factory does not produce industrial wastewater, only domestic. It is sent to septic tank and treated offsite through an MOU with a 3rd party. Since we don't have onsite wastewater treatment and permit, will we score zero for this section?
Why does my FEM score show as zero even though I have provided answers for all the questions?
On Question 6 of the Water Section "refID: watgroundlegalreq" how is it scored if the answer is "unknown"?
Is score impacted if a facility cannot demonstrate consumption reduction on a target year?
Where can we find a list of the FEM questions outlining the score of each and its section?
In the air emission module, if an industry uses coal for energy but effectively controls their emissions through measures, will they still receive full marks, as opposed to industries that do not use energy sources emitting pollutants, such as coal?
If the facility has an expired environmental permit that is under renewal, will the facility score 0 for the entire module?
Could an industry using coal still achieve full marks by providing an acceptable coal phase-out plan, as opposed to industries that do not use coal as an energy source?
In the new HIGG FEM 4.0 Energy module, new questions have been introduced regarding the phase-out of coal. Would choosing coal as an energy source result in a deduction of scores in the assessment?
Where can we find more detailed guidance on the scoring?
How might scoring be impacted if we update our baselines, targets and objectives based on the number of updates and changes on the FEM version 4.0?
As some brands or customers require a minimum score, is there a way to see our score before submission of the assessment?
How can we view the questions on the FEM that might not be applicable to our processes, in order to understand any potential that might exist for improving our score?
Our facility plans to increase renewable energy sources by setting up solar panels within this year. Would this plan help us to score higher on the FEM this year?