Non-hazardous Wastes | Hazardous Wastes |
The legal classification of hazardous waste may differ from one country or jurisdiction to another. Facilities should, at minimum, follow local regulatory requirements and definitions for classifying wastes as hazardous or non-hazardous. If legal requirements do not exist, it is recommended that facilities use industry guidelines or internationally recognized definitions of hazards wastes such as those listed in the Basel Convention. Additionally, where industry guidelines are more stringent than local requirements, it is recommended that facilities follow industry guidelines.
Waste to be Excluded from the Higg FEM Reporting Scope:
The following waste materials should not be reported in the FDM, as these types of waste are not generated from a “business as usual” situation:
- Medical waste
- Major construction and demolition projects waste
- Waste from natural disasters such as flood, fire, tornado, hurricane.