Does your facility generate industrial wastewater?
- Industrial wastewater is water that has been used for manufacturing processes and no longer meets the quality standard for beneficial use (e.g., wastewater from production, lubrication, cooling, maintenance, cleaning of production machines, etc.)
- Domestic Wastewater is wastewater originating from domestic/sanitary usage such as toilets, bathing, personal laundry and kitchens.
- Stormwater is water that originates from precipitation (e.g., rainwater) that accumulates on and runs off roofs, hard standing surfaces, car parks, etc. (sometimes referred to as surface water run‐off).
Does your facility have Zero Liquid Discharge?
- Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a type of onsite treatment that is designed so that no water leaves a facility in liquid form.
- At a facility with on-site ZLD treatment system, almost all wastewater is treated and recovered such that the only water discharged from the facility exists by evaporation or as moisture in the sludge from treatment plant operations.
- A facility is not considered to have a ZLD treatment system if there is any industrial liquid discharge.
Do you treat industrial and domestic wastewater together?
- This question appears if you select “Yes” under wwtypeind in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: Your facility treats industrial and domestic wastewater together. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to specify where your combined wastewater is treated.
- Answer “No” if: Your facility does not treat industrial and domestic wastewater together.
- Domestic Wastewater: Wastewater from domestic and sanitary usage, such as toilets, bathing, personal laundry, and kitchens.
- Industrial Wastewater: Water used for manufacturing processes and no longer meets the quality standard for beneficial use, including wastewater from production, lubrication, cooling, maintenance, cleaning of production machines, etc.
- Learn more about wastewater here.
Where is your combined (industrial and domestic) wastewater treated?
- The most appropriate or effective options to treat wastewater will depend on a number of factors, including, the composition and volume of the wastewater, applicable legal requirement, available external infrastructure (e.g., offsite treatment facilities).
- Here, a facility’s wastewater treatment is categorized as one of the following:
- On-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed onsite at a facility in a wastewater treatment plant used managed/operated by the facility. After on-site treatment, the wastewater is discharged to the environment.
- Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD): ZLD is a type of onsite treatment that is designed so no water leaves a facility in liquid form. At a facility with on-site ZLD treatment system, almost all wastewater is treated and recovered such that the only water discharged from the facility exists by evaporation or as moisture in the sludge from treatment plant operations. A facility is not considered to have a ZLD treatment system if there is any industrial liquid discharge
- On-site Wastewater Treatment + Offsite Treatment: This is treatment that is initially performed onsite at a facility then discharged to an offsite 3rd party treatment plant for additional treatment (also referred to as partial onsite treatment).
- Off-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed offsite by a 3rd party wastewater treatment service provider that may be government or privately owned/operated. With offsite treatment, the facility’s untreated wastewater is discharged directly to the off-site treatment facility.
Where is your domestic wastewater treated?
- The most appropriate or effective options to treat wastewater will depend on a number of factors, including, the composition and volume of the wastewater, applicable legal requirement, available external infrastructure (e.g., offsite treatment facilities).
- Here, a facility’s wastewater treatment is categorized as one of the following:
- On-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed onsite at a facility in a wastewater treatment plant used managed/operated by the facility. After on-site treatment, the wastewater is discharged to the environment.
- Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD): ZLD is a type of onsite treatment that is designed so no water leaves a facility in liquid form. At a facility with on-site ZLD treatment system, almost all wastewater is treated and recovered such that the only water discharged from the facility exists by evaporation or as moisture in the sludge from treatment plant operations. A facility is not considered to have a ZLD treatment system if there is any industrial liquid discharge
- On-site Wastewater Treatment + Offsite Treatment: This is treatment that is initially performed onsite at a facility then discharged to an offsite 3rd party treatment plant for additional treatment (also referred to as partial onsite treatment).
- Off-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed offsite by a 3rd party wastewater treatment service provider that may be government or privately owned/operated. With offsite treatment, the facility’s untreated wastewater is discharged directly to the off-site treatment facility.
- Septic System: Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment structures that use a combination of natural/primary processes to treat wastewater. The process typically involves solids settling within the septic tank and ends with wastewater being discharged to the soil via a drainfield.
Where is your industrial wastewater treated?
- The most appropriate or effective options to treat wastewater will depend on a number of factors, including, the composition and volume of the wastewater, applicable legal requirement, available external infrastructure (e.g., offsite treatment facilities).
- Here, a facility’s wastewater treatment is categorized as one of the following:
- On-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed onsite at a facility in a wastewater treatment plant used managed/operated by the facility. After on-site treatment, the wastewater is discharged to the environment.
- Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD): ZLD is a type of onsite treatment that is designed so no water leaves a facility in liquid form. At a facility with on-site ZLD treatment system, almost all wastewater is treated and recovered such that the only water discharged from the facility exists by evaporation or as moisture in the sludge from treatment plant operations. A facility is not considered to have a ZLD treatment system if there is any industrial liquid discharge
- On-site Wastewater Treatment + Offsite Treatment: This is treatment that is initially performed onsite at a facility then discharged to an offsite 3rd party treatment plant for additional treatment (also referred to as partial onsite treatment).
- Off-site Wastewater Treatment Only: This is treatment that is performed offsite by a 3rd party wastewater treatment service provider that may be government or privately owned/operated. With offsite treatment, the facility’s untreated wastewater is discharged directly to the off-site treatment facility.
Wastewater Discharge
- This table appears if you answered “Yes” to wwtypeind in the Site section.
What was the total quantity of wastewater discharged from your facility during this reporting period? (in cubic meters - m3)
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of wastewater discharged from your facility during this reporting period.
- Learn more about wastewater here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about wastewater here.
Please upload documentation
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility tracked the volume of wastewater discharged from applicable sources. (e.g., tracking records for wastewater discharge, metering records/logs, wastewater treatment invoices, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility tracked the volume of wastewater discharged from applicable sources. This may include:
- Wastewater discharge records (e.g., monthly bills and annual discharge records, metering records/logs, etc.)
- Note: Annual discharge records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) are ok as long as detailed discharge tracking data is available for review.
- Meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications).
- Estimation methodology documented where applicable.
- All wastewater sources at the facility are tracked in full. This means that all sources listed in the Level 1 table have complete answers in all columns that are accurate.
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility tracked the volume of wastewater discharged from applicable sources. This may include:
- Learn more about wastewater here.