The total usage and emission outputs for each facility can be found using the REFIDs below in the corresponding CSVs.
Using the modules table, click the checkmark next to the FDM submission followed by download to download quantitative CSV exports for the selected submissions.
Select CSV next to the corresponding Quantitative Impacts report.
Calculating quarterly and yearly total impacts for facilities
Each row in the CSV exports is a monthly submission for a specific facility. Within each row will be facility details and calculated value REFIDs (columns) for the entire facility, the individual facility type, vehicles, and domestic.
In order to get total usage and emissions information, you will need to select the REFIDs (columns) and total the values for a specific time period using:
- Groupname: the facility’s name (alternatives: groupid or sacid)
- Factorydataname: Month and year of the submissions (e.g., Jan 2024, Feb 2024)
- Refids from the table below that you want to total
Facility total example
To calculate an example facility’s total energy usage in MJ for the first quarter of 2024, you would:
- Download the Energy CSV
- Select the groupname “example facility name”
- Select the factorydataname “Jan 2024”, “Feb 2024”, and “Mar 2024”
- Search the REFID:
- ensourcetotal OR
- finalProductAssembly_total_mj
- Total user entered values for the specific refid total
Total Source Usage and Emissions Refids and CSV Exports
REFID | REFID Description | Export File |
printingProductDyeingAndLaundering_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for printingProductDyeingAndLaundering includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
rawMaterialCollection_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for rawMaterialCollection includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
rawMaterialProcessing_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for rawMaterialProcessing includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
vehicle_total_mj | Total megajoules of energy used by company vehicles | Energy |
domestic_total_mj | Total megajoules of energy used for domestic purposes | Energy |
ensourcetotal |
total megajoules of energy used from all energy sources |
Energy |
finalProductAssembly_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for finalProductAssembly includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
hardComponentTrimProduction_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for hardComponentTrimProduction includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
materialProduction_total_mj |
Total megajoules of energy used for materialProduction includes domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
Energy |
domestic_total_kgco2e | Total GHG generated from energy sources for domestic use | GHG |
ensourcebiodieseltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from biodiesel from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcebiogastotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from biogas from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcebiomasscerttotalghg | total kgco2e of emissions from biomasscert from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcebiomassgentotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from biomassgen from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcechilledwatertotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from chilledwater from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcecngtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from cng from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcecoaltotalghg | total kgco2e of emissions from coal from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcecoalwaterslurrytotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from coalwaterslurry from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcedieseltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from diesel from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcedistrictheatingtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from districtheating from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourceelectricpurchtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from electricpurch from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourceethenoltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from ethenol from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcefabricwastetotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from fabricwaste from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcefueloiltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from fueloil from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcehydrogennrtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from hydrogennr from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcehydrogenrtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from hydrogenr from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcelngtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from lng from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcelpgtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from lpg from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcemicrohydrototalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from microhydro from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcenaturalgastotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from naturalgas from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcepetroltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from petrol from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcepropanetotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from propane from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcepurchrenewtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from purchrenew from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcerenewablepurchtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from renewablepurch from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcesolarphotototalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from solar photo from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcesolarthermaltotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from solarthermal from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcesteampurchtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from steampurch from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
ensourcewindtotalghg |
total kgco2e of emissions from wind from all facility types, domestic and vehicles |
finalProductAssembly_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for finalProductAssembly includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
hardComponentTrimProduction_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for hardComponentTrimProduction includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
materialProduction_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for materialProduction includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
printingProductDyeingAndLaundering_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for printingProductDyeingAndLaundering includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
rawMaterialCollection_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for rawMaterialCollection includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
rawMaterialProcessing_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e emissions from energy generated for rawMaterialProcessing includes emissions from domestic and vehicle energy usage which is spread evenly across all facility types |
totalGHGemissions |
total kgco2e of emissions from all sources including all energy sources and refrigerants but not biogenic emissions from waste water |
totalNonRenewableEmissions |
total kgco2e of emissions from non renewable sources including all energy sources and refrigerants but not biogenic emissions from waste water |
totalNonRenewableEnergyEmissions | total kgco2e of emissions from non renewable energy sources | GHG |
totalNormalizedGHGemissions |
total kgco2e of emissions per unit from all sources including all energy sources and refrigerants but not biogenic emissions from waste water can only be calculated for FEMs with a single reporting unit, either kg or pcs/pairs |
totalRefrigerantEmissions |
total kgco2e of emissions from refrigerants across all facilities, domestic, and vehicles |
vehicle_total_kgco2e |
Total kgco2e generated by company vehicles includes direct and indirect emissions |
totalRefrigerantEmissions |
total refrig emissions |
totalRenewableEmissions | total kgco2e of emissions from renewable energy sources | GHG |
ensourcebiomasscerttotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcebiomassgentotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcetotalNonRenewable | total megajoules of energy used from non renewable energy sources | Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcecngtotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcecoaltotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcecoalwaterslurrytotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcedieseltotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcefabricwastetotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcefueloiltotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcehydrogennrtotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcelngtotal |
Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle |
Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcelpgtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcenaturalgastotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcepetroltotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcepropanetotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Non Renewable Energy |
ensourcechilledwatertotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Purchased Energy |
ensourcedistrictheatingtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Purchased Energy |
ensourceelectricpurchtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Purchased Energy |
ensourcesteampurchtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Purchased Energy |
ensourcebiodieseltotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcebiogastotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourceethenoltotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcehydrogenrtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcemicrohydrototal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcepurchrenewtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcerenewablepurchtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcesolarphotototal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcesolarthermaltotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
ensourcetotalRenewable |
total megajoules of energy used from renewable energy sources |
Renewable Energy |
ensourcewindtotal | Total MJ by energy source from all emission sources: facilities, domestic, and vehicle | Renewable Energy |
wstsourcehdombatteriestotal | kilograms of hazardous dombatteries waste | Waste |
wstsourcehdomcoalcombtotal | kilograms of hazardous domcoalcomb waste | Waste |
wstsourcehdomelectronictotal | kilograms of hazardous domelectronic waste | Waste |
wstsourcehdomflolighttotal | kilograms of hazardous domflolight waste | Waste |
wstsourcehdominkcarttotal | kilograms of hazardous dominkcart waste | Waste |
wstsourcehdomoilgreasetotal | kilograms of hazardous domoilgrease waste | Waste |
wstsourcehemptyothertotal | kilograms of hazardous emptyother waste | Waste |
wstsourcehmetalsludgetotal | kilograms of hazardous metalsludge waste | Waste |
wstsourcehothertotal | kilograms of hazardous other waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodchemdrumtotal | kilograms of hazardous prodchemdrum waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodchemtotal | kilograms of hazardous prodchem waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodcompgastotal | kilograms of hazardous prodcompgas waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodcontammattotal | kilograms of hazardous prodcontammat waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodfilmprinttotal | kilograms of hazardous prodfilmprint waste | Waste |
wstsourcehprodsludgetotal | kilograms of hazardous prodsludge waste | Waste |
wstsourcehproductionoiltotal | kilograms of hazardous productionoil waste | Waste |
wstsourcehslagtotal | kilograms of hazardous slag waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhcanstotal | kilograms of non hazardous cans waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhcartonstotal | kilograms of non hazardous cartons waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhfoamstotal | kilograms of non hazardous foams waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhfoodtotal | kilograms of non hazardous food waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhgeneraltotal | kilograms of non hazardous general waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhglasstotal | kilograms of non hazardous glass waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhleathertotal | kilograms of non hazardous leather waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhmetaltotal | kilograms of non hazardous metal waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhothertotal | kilograms of non hazardous other waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhpapertotal | kilograms of non hazardous paper waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhplastictotal | kilograms of non hazardous plastic waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhrubbertotal | kilograms of non hazardous rubber waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhslagnhtotal | kilograms of non hazardous slag waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhtextiletotal | kilograms of non hazardous textile waste | Waste |
wstsourcenhwoodtotal | kilograms of non hazardous wood waste | Waste |
wstsourcetotal | total kilograms of all waste, hazardous and non hazardous | Waste |
wstsourcetotalhaz | total kilograms of hazardous waste | Waste |
wstsourcetotalnonhaz | total kilograms of non hazardous waste | Waste |
domestic_total_water_l | Total liters of water used for domestic purposes | Water |
finalProductAssembly_total_water_l |
Total water use for finalProductAssembly in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
hardComponentTrimProduction_total_water_l |
Total water use for hardComponentTrimProduction in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
materialProduction_total_water_l |
Total water use for materialProduction in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
printingProductDyeingAndLaundering_total_water_l |
Total water use for printingProductDyeingAndLaundering in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
rawMaterialCollection_total_water_l |
Total water use for rawMaterialCollection in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
rawMaterialProcessing_total_water_l |
Total water use for rawMaterialProcessing in liters includes domestic spread evenly across all facility types |
Water |
watsourcecondtotal | total liters of water from watsourcecond | Water |
watsourcegroundtotal | total liters of water from watsourceground | Water |
watsourcemunicipalbluetotal | total liters of water from watsourcemunicipalblue | Water |
watsourcemunicipalgreytotal | total liters of water from watsourcemunicipalgrey | Water |
watsourcemunicipalunktotal | total liters of water from watsourcemunicipalunk | Water |
watsourceraintotal | total liters of water from watsourcerain | Water |
watsourcerecycletotal | total liters of water from watsourcerecycle | Water |
watsourcereusetotal | total liters of water from watsourcereuse | Water |
watsourceseatotal | total liters of water from watsourcesea | Water |
watsourcesurfacetotal | total liters of water from watsourcesurface | Water |
watsourcetotaltotal | total liters of water | Water |
watsourcewasteinternaltotal | total liters of water from watsourcewasteinternal | Water |
watsourcewastetotal | total liters of water from watsourcewaste | Water |