Below is the question by question guidance for the Water section of Facility Data Manager organized by Reference ID. RefIDs are location in the upper right hand corner of the question. Use the table of contents to navigate directly to a specific RefID guidance.
- Watsource
- Watsourcemetertrack
- Wattrackdomprodsep
- Watdommetercount
- Watprodmetercount
- Wattrackdomtable
- Wattrackdomuse
- Wattrackdomquant
- Wattrackdomunit
- Wattrackdomcomment
- Wattrackdomfile
- Wattrackdomtablemeter
- Wattrackdomnamemeter
- Wattrackdomquantmeter
- Wattrackdomunitmeter
- Wattrackdomcommentmeter
- Wattrackdomfilemeter
- Wattrackprodtable
- Wattrackproduse
- Wattrackprodquant
- Wattrackprodunit
- Wattrackprodcomment
- Wattrackprodfile
- Wattrackprodtablemeter
- Wattrackprodusemeter
Select all water sources used by your facility
- Select all the applicable water sources from the list.
- Measurement of water use from all sources is the foundation of water management and the overall sustainability program for a company. Measurement of all water sources allows you to identify areas of significant use, detect any abnormal consumption, and establish reduction targets.
- Based on the selection(s) here, you may see additional questions for more details about the specific water sources. These selections will determine what usage data is collected in the water section.
Notes and definitions:
Blue Water Sources - Blue water is fresh surface and groundwater; the water in freshwater lakes, rivers and aquifers.
Surface Water
- Water that is naturally occurring on the Earth’s surface (ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, ponds, lakes, rivers / streams, wetlands, bogs, etc.) Surface water has a low concentration of dissolved solids, is of an acceptable quality, and/or requires minimal treatment to be used for domestic, municipal, or agricultural applications.
- Water in soil beneath the soil surface, usually under conditions where the pressure in the water is greater than the atmospheric pressure, and the soil voids are substantially filled with the water. Non-renewable groundwater is generally located at deeper depths and cannot be replenished easily or is replenished over very long periods of time. They are sometimes referred to as “fossil” groundwater sources.
Municipal Blue Water
- Water provided by a municipality or other public provider that is generated by blue water.
Municipal Water (Origin Unknown)
- (Origin Unknown) Water provided by a municipality or other public provider with unknown origin (e.g., blue, or grey water)
Brackish surface water/seawater
- Water in which the concentration of salts is relatively high (over 10,000 mg/l). For comparison, seawater has a typical concentration of salts above 35,000 mg/l. Brackish water is saltier than fresh water, but not as salty as seawater. It may result from mixing of seawater with freshwater, as in estuaries, but also certain human activities can produce brackish water. Brackish water is hostile to the growth of most terrestrial plant species.
Condensate from External Steam Source
- Water that is generated from the condensate of steam sources that are not located at the facility.
- Water in the form of precipitation (e.g., rain, snow) that is harvested within the facility either from the roof or other surfaces and stored for use.
Surface Water
Grey Water Sources - Grey water is water that has been polluted by human activity (e.g., industrial, or domestic sources).
Municipal Grey Water
- Water provided by a municipality or other public provider that is generated by grey water.
Recycled Water
- Wastewater that has been treated using physical, chemical, and/or any additional treatment processes to meet a quality which allows the water to be used again in a process. For example, wastewater that has gone through a membrane filtration process and used back in the industrial operation is considered recycled water. This does not include water cycled in operations such as cooling towers and non-contact heat exchange operations.
Reuse Water
- Wastewater discharged from one process that is used directly in another process without treatment. This does not include water cycled in operations such as cooling towers and non-contact heat exchange operations.
Treated Wastewater from External Source
- Wastewater that has been discharged and treated by an external source (e.g., other manufacturing facility) using physical, chemical, and/or any additional treatment processes to meet a quality which allows the water to be used again in a process.
Untreated Wastewater from External Sources (treated internally)
- Wastewater that has been discharged by an external source (e.g., other manufacturing facility) and treated at your facility using physical, chemical, and/or any additional treatment processes to meet a quality which allows the water to be used again in a process.
Municipal Grey Water
Blue Water Sources - Blue water is fresh surface and groundwater; the water in freshwater lakes, rivers and aquifers.
Would you like to track water use by the meter?
- This question appears if you select water sources used by your facility under watsource in the Site section.
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: Your facility tracks domestic and production water use separately by the meter. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to indicate how many separate meters you would like to track in subsequent questions.
- Answer “No” if: Your facility does not track water use by the meter. If you answer “No”, then you will report water use as a total value.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Domestic Water Use: Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, or non-contact cooling.
- Learn more about water use here.
Are you able to identify and track domestic and production water use separately?
Answer Yes if: You track the quantity of water used for domestic use and production use separately.
- If you answer Yes to this question, you will separately report details on your facility’s domestic and production water use for each applicable water source.
- Note: This question only applies to facilities that have indicated water is used for production in the applicability question on production water use.
- If you answer Yes to this question, you will be asked to complete two (2) tables to provide details on your facility’s domestic and production water use for each applicable water source.
- Note: If your facility selects multiple facility types in the facility profile structure section of the FEM (e.g., Finished Product Assembler and Material Production), a separate table for production water use will be displayed for each selected facility type.
- If you have also selected multiple facility types, then you will separately report details for each selected facility type.
- If you answer No to this question, you will be asked to complete a single table to provide details on your facility’s total water use for each applicable water source.
- The following question on your facility’s water use will be asked for each applicable water source:
- Does your facility use this water source for Domestic/Production Use?
- Does your facility track its water use from this source?
- What quantity of water was used from this source for Domestic/Production Use during this reporting year?
- Unit of Measure
- Which method was used to track this water source?
- What was the frequency of measurement?
- Provide any additional comments.
- The following question on your facility’s water use will be asked for each applicable water source:
Production Water Use
- Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods (e.g., dyeing or rinse water, steam generation, water used in mixtures applied to the product, cleaning of equipment components or tools that contact the product during the manufacturing process, etc.)
Domestic Water Use
- Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, non-contact cooling etc.
Production Water Use
Note: Uploading of all utility bills and/or metering records is not required, however they should be available for review at the time of verification.
How many water meters would you like to track for your domestic water use?
- This question appears if you select “Yes” under wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- In the freeform numeric field, enter the number of separate water meters you will report for domestic water use. If you do not have separate meters for domestic, enter a value of 0. You may enter up to 10 separate meters.
- Domestic Water Use: Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, or non-contact cooling.
- Learn more about water use here.
How many water meters would you like to track for your production water use?
- This question appears if you select “Yes” under wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- In the freeform numeric field, enter the number of separate water meters you will report for production water use. If you do not have separate meters for production, enter a value of 0. You may enter up to 10 separate meters.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Learn more about water use here.
Domestic Water Use
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “Yes” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
Do you use this water source for Domestic use?
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: This water source is used for domestic use. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to provide further details in the subsequent fields of the table row.
- Answer “No” if: This water source is not used for domestic use.
- Domestic Water Use: Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, or non-contact cooling.
- Learn more about water use here.
What quantity of water was used from this source for Domestic Use during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source for domestic use during this reporting period.
- Domestic Water Use: Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, or non-contact cooling.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.
Domestic Water Meters
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “Yes” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- Indicate how many meters you would like to track for your Domestic water use under watdommetercount in the Site section.
Meter name
- In the freeform text field, enter in the identifier for the meter (electricity or water). This can be one of the following:
- Serial Number: Assigned to each meter by the manufacturer before installation, used for tracking and managing the physical meter itself.
- Meter Number of ID: Assigned to each meter by the utility company after installation, used for billing and customer account management purposes.
- Name of the Manufacturing Process Associated with the Meter: It can be helpful to include the name of the manufacturing process directly associated with your meter to better understand the impact of the specific process.
- Learn more about water use here.
What quantity of water was used from this source for Domestic Use during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source for domestic use during this reporting period.
- Domestic Water Use: Water used for washrooms, sanitation, food preparation, landscape irrigation, or non-contact cooling.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.
Production Water Use
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “Yes” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
Do you use this source for Production use?
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: Your facility tracks production water use. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to fill out additional details in the subsequent fields of the table row.
- Answer “No” if: Your facility does not track production water use.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Learn more about water use here.
What quantity of water was used from this source for Production Use during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source for production use during this reporting period.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.
Production Water Meters
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “Yes” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- Indicate how many meters you would like to track for your Production water use under watprodmetercount in the Site section.
Do you use this meter for Production use?
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the dropdown menu.
- Answer “Yes” if: Your facility tracks production water use. If you answer “Yes”, then you will be prompted to fill out additional details in the subsequent fields of the table row.
- Answer “No” if: Your facility does not track production water use.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Learn more about water use here.