Meter name
- In the freeform text field, enter in the identifier for the meter (electricity or water). This can be one of the following:
- Serial Number: Assigned to each meter by the manufacturer before installation, used for tracking and managing the physical meter itself.
- Meter Number of ID: Assigned to each meter by the utility company after installation, used for billing and customer account management purposes.
- Name of the Manufacturing Process Associated with the Meter: It can be helpful to include the name of the manufacturing process directly associated with your meter to better understand the impact of the specific process.
- Learn more about water use here.
What quantity of water was used from this source for Production Use during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source for production use during this reporting period.
- Production water use: Water used in manufacturing processes or operations used to make goods.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.
All Water Use
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “No” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
What quantity of water use by this source during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source during this reporting period.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.
How many water meters would you like to track for your water use?
- This question appears in the water section if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “No” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- In the freeform numeric field, enter the number of separate water meters you will report for combined water use. You may enter up to 10 separate meters.
- Learn more about water use here.
All Water Meters
- This table appears if you:
- Answered “Yes” to watsourcemetertrack in the Site section.
- Answered “No” to wattrackdomprodsep in the Site section.
- Indicate how many meters you would like to track for your combined water use under watallmetercount in the Water section.
Meter name
- In the freeform text field, enter in the identifier for the meter (electricity or water). This can be one of the following:
- Serial Number: Assigned to each meter by the manufacturer before installation, used for tracking and managing the physical meter itself.
- Meter Number of ID: Assigned to each meter by the utility company after installation, used for billing and customer account management purposes.
- Name of the Manufacturing Process Associated with the Meter: It can be helpful to include the name of the manufacturing process directly associated with your meter to better understand the impact of the specific process.
- Learn more about water use here.
What quantity of water is used by this source during this reporting period?
- In the freeform numeric field, enter in the quantity of water used by this source during this reporting period.
- Learn more about water use here.
Unit of Measure
- Select the corresponding unit of measurement from the dropdown menu.
- Learn more about water use here.
Provide any additional comments
- In the freeform text field, enter in any additional relevant observations or details.
- Learn more about water use here.
Please upload documentation (optional)
- Select “Choose file.” In the file manager, select the desired file to upload, followed by "Open."
- Suggested Uploads
- Documentation that demonstrates the facility has identified water sources and is tracking water consumption for applicable water sources. (e.g., an inventory and/or tracking records for water sources, samples of water purchase invoices or metering records, etc.)
- Documentation Required
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- List of all water sources used at the facility.
- Water consumption records (e.g., utility bills, metering records, etc)
- Note: Annual consumption records compiled in a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) is ok if detailed consumption records are available for review.
- Water meter calibration records where applicable (e.g., as per manufacturer’s specifications)
- Documented estimation methodologies if applicable.
- Documentation that supports responses to the sub questions on water source. This may include:
- Water treatment/reject quantity tracking from pre-treatment processes.
- Records of tracking domestic and production water separately, if applicable.
- Documentation that supports the reported water source and water use data which may include:
- Learn more about water use here.